Obafemi Awolowo University
Student Information Portal

Obafemi Awolowo University ePortal

Student Email Activation

  • Goto www.swifta.co/oauauth/newtoken.php
  • A page will be display your Registration No (e.g. IRS/2011/013). Click on 'Verify Reg. Number' if the Matriculation no. is yours otherwise Access this facility through OAU EPORTAL.
  • A page opens requesting for Authentication code. This also shows the steps for retrieving the authentication code.
  • Login to gmail with the credentials displayed on the screen.(go to this web url : mail.google.com). An email with the subject like this 'Authentication Code for Login - IRS/2011/013' will be seen. Open the one that matches the registration number used for this verification (for this scenario IRS/2011/013)
  • Copy the authentication code from the email and paste on the page of step (iii) above.
  • Click on the 'verify code' button to complete the verification process.