Obafemi Awolowo University
Student Information Portal

Obafemi Awolowo University ePortal


  • Allocation of Bedspace All Students will be allocated bedspaces by the ePortal on a first come-first-served basis
  • Occupation of bedspace Upon successfully allocated a bedspace, you are required to carry out the following within one month:
    • Payment of all appropriate fees including accommodation fees (Please do not pay accommodation fees if you are not successful to get a bed space as no refund will be made for such).
    • Print 3 copies of "Bedspace Clearance Form"
    • Sign the "Bedspace Clearance Form" and present them to hall warden of the hall for signatories
    • Submit the signed "Bedspace Clearance Form" as thus: 1 copy to DSA's Office, 1 copy to the hall warden and retain the last copy
  • Application for Bedspace From the students profile page on the E-PORTAL, simply click on "Request for Bed Space" under the INFORMATION ON ACCOMMODATION section of the profile page. The system will respond to your request if you meet the conditions for allocation of bedspaces stated above and subject to availability of bedspaces for the category of the students.
  • Forfeiting Award of Bedspace You will forfeit your award of Bed Space on the following conditions:
    • Failure to pay the all appropriate fees at most one week before resumption of 2018/2019 session
    • Failure to submit the "Bedspace Clearance Form" to the DSA and hall warden within a period of time to be determined by the Dean, Students Affairs
    Each of the above will lead to losing the bedspace to the pool for other students who need them.